North Suburban Legal Services, LLC

There are many reasons why an individual would need to work with a business or tax lawyer. When you are not sure how to incorporate your new business, whether you should accept a buyout offer, if you are facing allegations of discrimination or other employee rights violations, or if you are receiving letters from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) stating that you are behind on your tax payments, an experienced business or tax lawyer can help you work through your case. How a lawyer can help you depends on the facts of your case and your goals for its resolution. Your lawyer might be able to help to facilitate a settlement between you and the other party involved in your case or he or she might be able to build a defense strategy to have a criminal tax charge reduced or dismissed.
Our Practice Areas
We work with clients facing a variety of legal hurdles. Our three main practice areas are business, tax law, and employment law. These are broad legal categories that encompass a wide variety of cases. Within each of our practice areas we handle a variety of cases including but not limited to:  

Business law

  • Sexual harassment claims;
  • Wage and hour claims;
  • Whistleblower rights;
  • Securing repayment for Wage Theft Act violations;
  • Cases involving the Employee Credit Privacy Act; and
  • Unemployment benefits defense.

Tax law

  • Settling tax debts through offers in compromise;
  • Payroll tax issues;
  • Preventing and stopping tax levies;
  • Preventing, releasing, and withdrawing tax liens;
  • Defending individuals accused of committing tax crimes; and
  • Helping clients face IRS audits.

Employment Law

  • Representing Employers in Unemployment Benefits Defense

Our Tax Law Practice Areas



    How Our Team Can Help You

    When you are facing a business or tax law issue, we can be your advocate. Your lawyer is the point of contact between you and the other party involved in your dispute, which may be the IRS or another party. By acting as this point of contact, your lawyer can negotiate with the other party on your behalf and use his or her knowledge of applicable business and tax laws to ensure that your rights are protected, and your interests are promoted.

    Our team includes business lawyers and tax lawyers. Often, these areas of law intersect in one or more ways in a case. When they are both present in your case, our team can address both completely in the customized legal advice and representation we provide.

    Work with an Experienced Chicago Business and Tax Law Firm

    The business decisions you make today will affect your company and career for years, even decades, to come. Make sound business decisions and remain in compliance with the IRS by working with an experienced business and tax lawyer. To start working with a member of our team, contact North Suburban Legal Services LLC today to set up your initial consultation in our office. We can answer your questions and help you determine the right course of action for the business and tax issues you are currently facing.

    CONTACT US FOR A FREEconsultation


    Our Office Locations:

    Chicago Office:
    200 East Randolph St., Ste 5100
    Chicago, IL 60601
    Schaumburg Office:
    1990 East Algonquin Rd. Suite 100
    Schaumburg, IL 60173

    Phone: (312) 313-4038